
About the Complex

The foundation stone of the Armed Forces Medical Complex in Alexandria, which was established on the Mediterranean coast in Alexandria, Mustafa Kamel region, on an area of 18 acres, was laid in 1972 under the name of the Armed Forces Hospital in Mustafa Kamel. The work in the Outpatient Clinics building started in 1975 and ended in July 1978. After that, the main building of the hospital started its operation in 1977 and ended in 1986 with the opening of the hospital to receive patients. In the same year, the name of the hospital was changed to the Armed Forces Hospital in Alexandria. In 2022, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces approved to change the name of the hospital to Armed Forces Medical Complex in Alexandria, where a number of specialized hospitals, therapeutic and administrative departments were established and developed. The complex includes three hospitals (Armed Forces Hospital in Alexandria, Cardiothoracic Surgery Hospital, and Emergency and One Day Surgery Hospital) in addition to three specialized centers (Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center, Oncology, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine Center, and Nephrology and Kidney Transplant Center). The complex includes a group of specialized units and departments (Audiology and Speech Unit, Ozone Therapy Unit, Medical Laboratories & Blood Bank, Radiology Department, Burns Treatment Unit, Clinical Pharmacy Unit and Parenteral Nutrition) in addition to the Outpatient Clinic Complex. Thus, the Armed Forces Medical Complex in Alexandria has become an integrated medical city providing medical services to all patients (whether military, civilians, Arabs or foreigners).

Major General (MD) /Sarya Mohamed Hawam

Director of the Armed Forces Medical Complex in Alexandria

The Armed Forces Medical Complex in Alexandria, one of the medical edifices of the Armed Forces, is honored to provide medical services to military, civilian, Arab and foreign patients in accordance with the latest health care standards. The Complex uses the latest diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical devices and techniques, under the supervision of distinguished specialized doctors and consultants in all general and sub-specialties, achieving the highest degree of accuracy and safety for patients, visitors & staff while following the latest management methods. We aim to provide excellent health care that gains the satisfaction and confidence of the visitors (military or civilians). Our motto is that health care is (Sincerity/Trust/Commitment).
